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My name is Dr. Mátyás Káplár. I am the owner of the KÁPLÁR Counselling Office in Pécs.

I was born in Pécs, and did all my studies in this city. I graduated in 2008 as a Psychologist at the University of Pécs, and in 2015 as Counselling Psychologist at ELTE in Budapest. My work covers basicly to big areas: helping people providing them with counselling services and teaching in the field of Fate Analysis.

In my counselling offiice everybody is welcome, who wants have somebody to be able to speak with about any problems or who has challenges in his/her life that seems to be hardly solvable. In problems such as life planning, relationship conflicts, family or parental questions I am ready to be there for you and help you.

A separate fiield of my work is  to coach people who are involved in business life or who have a position where they are responsible for others. In the life of such people plays a very important role to be able to remain even-tempered and be able to make decisions based on facts and good planning. They also need the abliity to motivate their coworkers and clients. Business coaching helps to reach these goals and be successful in work and business.