If it is not possiblie for you to come personally to my office or if you do not have enough time to come, I offer you my services online. This way you can ask for help and find soulutions to your problems anonimously also. Find out more about onlince counselling, and apply. It is quick, secure, individualized and online.
Since the use of Internet and broadband connections are widely available, it become possible to have counselling online. This way of work gives you great flexiblity and confortability as you can reach the service from home, without leaving your own room. For the connection you need only a microphone, a webcam and a Skype account. If you do not have Skype account you can register HERE for free.
On our online surface we provide you individual counselling and business coaching for the same price as in our office. If you decide to use our services online then you have to apply by email or phone to arrange an appointment. After a shor discussion you will receive the detials, the Skype data of the counselleor and you invoice via email. You have to pay the price of the servide before the online connection via bank transfer or PayPal.
Free information and appointment arrangement: +36 30 121 2859